Environmental Education Programme in Kota Belud

KOTA BELUD, 24 May 2022 (Daily Express): An environmental education programme was conducted with the Kadamaian community here in efforts to raise environmental awareness and spur action on conservation practices among its residents.

Dubbed as the CEEK programme, it involves sharings on best environmental practices as well as implementing mini projects related to the environment and ecotourism by the community.

The programme involved leaders and representatives of the Kg Kiau Nuluh and Kg Podos communities.

It was implemented on May 21 for the Kg Kiau Nuluh residents at their community hall and May 22 for Kg Podos residents at the SDA Church Hall.

A similar programme will be conducted in Kg Piasau on May 28.

The initiative is in its third phase of implementation, where various environmental education activities will be implemented with the community, including giving guidance on successfully implementing mini environmental projects.

Environmental Protection Department Director Vitalis J Moduying said the cooperation for environmental sustainability between the community and various government agencies continues to be strengthened through such programmes.

source: http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news/192983/environmental-education-programme-in-kota-belud/