“Together for a Better Environment!”
This homepage is one of our ways to reach out to all of you. We aim to provide as much information as possible about the Department particularly our jurisdiction and services as well as the importance of environmental protection and other associated matters through this homepage.
Our department has been in operation for the last 20 years and certainly many lessons have been experienced throughout the years in addressing the entire spectrum of environmental management and planning in Sabah.
We hope to continue providing better services in the protection of the environment to ensure clean, healthy and safe for quality living for everyone. Due to the holistic nature of the environment, we greatly need everyone supports and assistance to address the persistent and overwhelming challenges of the environment which has to be done through concerted efforts and strong co-operation among all stakeholders.
We appreciate your comment or any suggestion how to improve our services or provide any other feedback on the environment in general. Kindly reach us through this website and do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you

Vitalis J. Moduying