Functional Chart
The organisational framework of EPD Sabah comprises four technical sectors and one administrative & finance division and one branch office in Sandakan district, all operating under the leadership of the Director. The technical sectors are Assessment, Planning, Project Screening & Compliance Monitoring as well as Enforcement and Investigation.
The functions and roles of the Director is as specified under Section 24, Environment Protection Enactment 2002 that is to oversee the administration and enforcement of the Enactment.

Assess environmental impact assessments to determine potential effects of development projects and activities.

Carries out environmental studies, manages data to support informed decision making, implements programmes to raise environmental awareness and promote sustainable practices among the public and stakeholders.

Administration & Finance
General Administration, Personnel management, Procurement and store, Finance

Project Screening and Compliance Monitoring
Evaluates project proposal and provide project inputs to development project and monitoring the compliance of the environmental conditions.

Enforcement and Investigation
Ensures compliance with environmental laws and regulations through (collaboration,) monitoring, inspection, investigation and enforcement actions.