Objectives & Strategies


The main objectives of the Department are:

  1. Integrate environmental factors into the planning and implementation of development activities and use of natural resources; 
  2. Regulate development activities and use of natural resources that cause environmental pollution and degradation or have the potential to cause significant residual impact on the environment;  
  3. Protect sensitive areas for the maintenance of environmental quality and stability; and
  4. Enhance public awareness on the importance of environmental protection and conservation


Environmental Planning

Undertake a concerted and integrated approach to incorporate environmental aspects into the planning implementation of development activities and use of natural resources involving all relevant stakeholders.

Environmental Assessment

Identify the types of development activities and use of natural resources that are potentially damaging to the environment and therefore should be subjected to mandatory screening and assessment.

Environmental Development

Develop environment development programme based on priority and the magnitude of prevailing environment issues and problems particularly those affecting the local community.

Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement

Develop and implement an efficient and effective enforcement procedure to monitor and control development activities and use of natural resources that can cause pollution and environmental degradation.

Environmental Information Management

Continuously gather timely and up-to-date environmental data and information required for the development and maintenance of an integrated environmental management information system.

Environmental Education and Extension

Undertake a concerted and integrated environmental education and extension programme with the active participation of all relevant stakeholders which include the public and private sector, non-governmental organisations, business community and the public at large in order to realise maximum impact on the target groups.