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- Abandonment & Restoration
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- Abandonment & Restoration: 6. Control of Air Quality
Air pollution is inevitable due to the operation of processing plants and associated conveyors as well as transportation movement by the handling and usage of heavy diesel-powered machines, both mobile and semi-mobile. Other potential sources of dust emissions include processing plants and wind whipping at uncovered dry sand as well as by-product stockpiles and exhaust emissions (e.g. NO2, SO2, CO and smoke) from the operation of vehicles, machinery and processing plants, which result in nuisance and possibly poses risks to human health at the local community and surrounding environment.
Minimise generation or release of airborne dust to protect workers and the surrounding community.
6.1.1 Provide water storage and spraying facilities such as water browser tanks, sprinkler systems, and handheld hoses.
Plate 12: Water sprinkler facility along the access road.
Plate 13: Example of water drenching facility (Lorry water tanker with drench accessory).
Source: SOP For Compliance With Environmental Conditions Of Housing and Commercial Development in Sabah, 2021
6.1.2 Perform water spraying activity on exposed ground surfaces and sand stockpiles allocated on-site/on a Increase frequency of water spraying during dry and windy weather.
6.1.3 Avoid over-spraying to the extent that sediment-laden water is formed.
6.1.4 Equip crushing plant with dust suppression systems. Perform maintenance on the system on a regular basis.
6.1.5 Enclose the conveyor system with conveyor hoods/covers. Refer to Plate 15.
Plate 14: Dust suppression systems at screening facility.
Plate 15: Enclosed conveyor system.
6.1.6 Restrict the speed of moving vehicles to the speed limit specified in the approved EIA.
6.1.7 Erect speed limit signages at easily visible locations within the site to remind workers to adhere to the speed limit.
6.1.8 Cover all transportation carrying loads with canvas or tarpaulin sheets.
6.2.1 Brief workers on the concept of open burning (refer to glossary for the definition) and prohibit such activities on-site.
6.2.2 Conduct regular site inspections to ensure no open-burning is conducted on- site.
6.2.3 Perform regular maintenance on vehicles, machinery, and equipment used for project activities to minimise unnecessary exhaust or pollutant emissions.
6.2.4 Keep a record of the maintenance activities to aid in the audit.