It is expected that housing and commercial development activities generate high noise levels. Increments of surrounding noise levels due to project activities may cause nuisance and discomfort to the surrounding community. It is therefore crucial for the project proponent to take action to minimise noise generated (to prevent any public conflicts from arising).


  • Minimise noise generation from development activities.
  • Protect the surrounding community from exposure to high noise levels.

Standard Operating Procedures

7.1 Refer to the EIA/PMM and AEC/MD for the piling method and/or any other mitigation to be installed or provided to reduce noise pollution.

7.2 Conduct development activities within the specified time frame of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and prohibit activities on Sundays and public holidays.

7.3 Carry out maintenance on vehicles and machinery and keep records of such maintenance as evidence for the environmental auditor.

7.4 Erect physical noise barriers with height and at locations specified in the AEC/MD. Material commonly used to erect the physical noise barrier are sheet metal panels (zinc hoarding). Other than that, composite panels can also be considered for constructing the noise barrier. Please refer to Plates 20 and 21 for examples of noise barriers.

7.5 When probable, place high noise-emitting machinery at the furthest point from the receptor (Please refer to Figure 11 for an illustration of noise source allocation within a project site).

7.6 Consider installing movable noise barriers when it is anticipated that high noise-emitting machinery such as piling machines are used on-site. Install the movable noise barrier as close as possible to either the noise source or the receiver, with no gaps or openings at the barrier joints to minimise noise disturbance to adjacent land users. Refer to Plate 22 for an example of a removable noise barrier.

7.7 Refer to Appendix 1 for additional references on controlling noise from sites.

Plate 20: Example of temporary noise barrier using zinc hoarding.

Plate 21: Example of temporary noise barrier using composite panels

Source: Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and Control, Third Edition, 2019 (p. 103), DOE

Plate 22: Example of movable barrier used for mitigating noise from piling.

Source: Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and Control, Third Edition, 2019 (p. 104), DOE

Figure 11: Illustration showing the allocation of the noise source from probable receivers.