Plate 1: Example of boundary marking using hoarding.

Plate 2: Example of boundary marking using hoarding.

Plate 3: Example of boundary marking using painted wooden stakes.

Plate 4: Example of boundary marking at a hilly area with painted wooden stakes.

Plate 5: Boundary stone used as a boundary marker.

Plate 6: Example of buoys installed to mark the marine working area.

Plate 7: Example of plastic sheet cover.
Plate 8: Example of geotextile mat.
Plate 9: Example of cover crops, Brachiaria ruziziensis, on an exposed area.
Plate 10: Example of loose earth materials covered with canvas sheets.
Plate 11: Maintenance of installed silt curtain.
Plate 12: Example of drainage system at workers’ quarters.
Plate 13: Example of earth drain for site facility.
Plate 14: Example of soil nail wall for slope stabilisation.
Plate 15: Example of Nehemiah retaining wall for slope stabilisation.
Plate 16: Example of terracing and cover crops for slope stabilisation.
Plate 17: Example of rock dissipater at the end point of drainage.
Plate 18: Example of compacted overburden materials.
Plate 19: Example of compacted overburden materials.
Plate 20: Example of temporary noise barrier using zinc hoarding.
Plate 21: Example of temporary noise barrier using composite panels.
Plate 22: Example of movable barrier used for mitigating noise from
Plate 23: Example of water browser facility.
Plate 24: Transportation vehicle carrying load covered with canvas.
Plate 25: Examples of waste characteristic labels.
Plate 26: Example of label for scheduled waste containers
Plate 27: Example of waste bins with lids.
Plate 28: Example of a centralised waste collection facility with roofing.
Plate 29: Example of waste segregation on-site.
Plate 30: Biomass piled up within the project site.
Plate 31: Example of toilet with septic tank.
Plate 32: Typical Prefabricated Septic Tank for < 600 mm depth.
Plate 33: Example of desludging work.
Plate 34: Examples of speed limit and safety signs.
Plate 35: Example of a wash bay.
Plate 36: Example of a washing facility with grating / rumble surface and silt trap (pointed).
Plate 37: Examples of signboards to inform the community of blasting activities.
Plate 38: Examples of signboards to inform the community of blasting activities.
Plate 39: Marking of the working zone using barricades.